Recognized Student Organization - Honorary
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Jen Frisk, Email group officers
Mission Our purpose is to promote scholarship in psychology and provide an atmosphere where students can network and expand their knowledge of the field.
Membership BenefitsInformational events- provide information about careers in psychology & applying to graduate programs Social events- learn, have fun, connect, & network Research opportunities- conduct faculty-mentored research & present at conferences Volunteer opportunities- help in your community Leadership opportunities- become a Psi Chi officer and help our chapter thriveLifetime membership, and the ability to include membership on your resum├® Online resources and Psi Chi's magazine, provide guidance/tools about graduate school applications, careers, conducting research, promoting diversity, leadership, & more Sixteen $3,000 scholarships awarded annually for undergrad and graduate students Publishing opportunities in Psi Chi's peer-reviewed journal, which accepts undergrad, graduate, and faculty research in all areas of psychology $400,000 in annual awards and grants for student research, convention travel, chapter involvement, diversity, and more
Lifetime membership